People who really get on my last nerve!

One person today at school, (no names mentioned) was so annoying, it may have been small, but the way they went about it made me so angry. Basically we are reading the book Inspectors Calls in English  there are two kind of books; paperback and hardback.  The paperback books have a certain font that I struggle to read, so I asked  for a hardback because I was reading a main part.  The person next to me decided to take my book and swap it for their  paperback.  So I asked politely if I could have it back, but that person kept saying no.  This made me angry, I explained to him why I wanted  the book, but no! So I tried to grab the book, and that person nearly hit me! Doesn't seem like much but I had a headache all day that stupid font really hurt my eyes.  That wasn't the best start to the day, but as a great quote says, "There's seven billion people in the world, don't let one ruin your day!"
(That's the moral of the story)

Michaela x


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